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The ospsuite.reportingengine package provides a framework in R to design and create reports evaluating PBPK models developed in the Open Systems Pharmacology ecosystem.


The ospsuite.reportingengine package is compatible with version 4.x.x of R. Please follow the installation instructions below:

From Github

You can install the development version of ospsuite.reportingengine from GitHub with:

# install.packages("remotes")

Using the package bundle 📦

You can install the ospsuite.reportingengine package by downloading and installing its zip or tar.gz bundle.

Then, to install manually, replace the path/to/ by your actual local path to the .zip or tar.gz file in the code below:

install.packages(path/to/, repos = NULL)

To install the package along with its tests, the .tar.gz bundle is required. Then, use the install-tests option as illustrated below.

install.packages(path/to/ospsuite.reportingengine.tar.gz, repos = NULL, INSTALL_opts = "--install-tests")

Required packages

ospsuite.reportingengine requires following packages to be installed:

Package Version Installation Instructions
{ospsuite.utils} ≥\geq 1.5 Download and install package bundle here 📦
{tlf} ≥\geq 1.5 Download and install package bundle here 📦
âš  Visit {tlf} Documentation to install its dependencies âš 
{rSharp} ≥\geq 1.0 Instructions are available here 📖
{ospsuite} ≥\geq 12.1 Download and install package bundle here 📦
Instructions are available here 📖
âš  Visit {ospsuite} Documentation to install its dependencies âš 

Once the bundles downloaded, you can install the packages by using the code below:

# bundlePath <- path/to/osp/bundles
install.packages(file.path(bundlePath,""), repos = NULL)
install.packages(file.path(bundlePath,""), repos = NULL)
install.packages(file.path(bundlePath,""), repos = NULL)
install.packages(file.path(bundlePath,""), repos = NULL)

To install these packages, use the code below:

# Required packages
# Optional packages

MS-Word reports

It is possible to convert markdown reports to MS-Word (.docx format) from the ospsuite.reportingengine package. This conversion requires the installation of an additional software: Pandoc.

A dedicated article details how to create MS-Word reports using the ospsuite.reportingengine package: here

[OPTIONAL] Pandoc Installation

Install Pandoc (required for generation of reports in MS-Word format) by downloading one of the following files:

[OPTIONAL] Use SVG figures

In order to use SVG figures in MS-Word report, you need to install rsvg-convert (required by Pandoc for conversion of images in SVG format)

  • Installer (Windows)
    • âš  The installation folder must be added to the system path. âš 
  • For Linux, librsvg package must be installed (package name depends on distribution, e.g. librsvg2-bin for Ubuntu).

Documentation 📖

A detailed account of existing functions and articles on how to use them can be found on the dedicated website.

Code of conduct

Everyone interacting in the Open Systems Pharmacology community (codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms, mailing lists etc…) is expected to follow the Open Systems Pharmacology code of conduct.

Contribution 💡

We encourage contribution to the Open Systems Pharmacology community. Before getting started please read the contribution guidelines. If you are contributing code, please be familiar with the coding standards.


OSPSuite.ReportingEngine Library is released under the GPLv2 License.

All trademarks within this document belong to their legitimate owners.