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#> Loading required package: ospsuite.reportingengine
#> Loading required package: ospsuite
#> Loading required package: rSharp
#> Attaching package: 'ospsuite'
#> The following object is masked from 'package:base':
#>     %||%
#> Loading required package: tlf

This vignette introduces the notions and objects implemented in the OSP-Suite Reporting Engine package (ospsuite.reportingengine).

1. Introduction

1.1. Notion of R6 objects

The ospsuite.reportingengine package aims at facilitating the design and build of reports evaluating PBPK models developed on PK-Sim or/and MoBi.

To this end, the package benefits from the concept of R6 classes (similar to reference classes) which allows to define structured objects whose fields can be any object such as properties, methods or even other R6 objects. R6 objects, or objects from R6 class, presents some peculiarities.

  • They are usually initialized using the method $new(...) (e.g. r6Object <- R6Class$new()).
  • Similarly to objects of class list, fields from R6 objects can be called using either $fieldName or [[fieldName]] (e.g. r6Object$method() or r6Object[[property]]).
  • The R6 class also integrates the concept of inheritance: an R6 object will get the attributes from its class but will also inherit properties and methods from a parent class.

1.2. Notion of workflow

The ospsuite.reportingengine package is built around 3 central R6 classes MeanModelWorkflow, PopulationWorkflow and QualificationWorkflow derived from the parent R6 class Workflow. The creation of MeanModelWorkflow or PopulationWorkflow objects provides a structured environment with methods and properties that facilitate the design, run and report of the evaluations of PBPK models developed on PK-Sim or/and MoBi. For QualificationWorkflow objects, more details are available in a dedicated article. The Worklow objects combine 2 features defined as R6 objects:

  • SimulationSet and PopulationSimulationSet objects defines which and how model(s) and/or data can be used by the workflow (developed in more details in section 3). These objects need to be created before the creation of workflow objects as they are required to create the workflow.
  • Task objects define the evaluations to be performed by the workflow. These objects are directly created and included upon creation of the Workflow objects (developed in more details in section 4). Their settings can be checked and updated after creation.

1.3. Nomenclature

Table 1 enumerates some of the main instances of the ospsuite.reportingengine package usually defined by users during the design of a workflow. The tab Reference documents available classes and functions exported by the ospsuite.reportingengine package. The comprehensive documentation and usage of each of these objects is accessible in the tab Reference.

Table 1: Nomenclature of ospsuite.reportingengine main instances

Workflow objects Use case
MeanModelWorkflow Defined by user
PopulationWorkflow Defined by user
QualificationWorkflow Built in loadQualificationWorkflow
Simulation Set objects Use case
SimulationSet Defined by user
PopulationSimulationSet Defined by user
ConfigurationPlan Built in loadQualificationWorkflow
Output path and PK parameter objects Use case
Output Defined by user
PkParameterInfo Defined by user
Workflow task objects Use case
Task Built in workflow objects
SimulationTask Built in workflow objects
SensitivityAnalysisTask Built in workflow objects
PopulationSensitivityAnalysisTask Built in workflow objects
QualificationTask Built in QualificationWorkflow objects
PlotTask Built in workflow objects
PopulationPlotTask Built in PopulationWorkflow objects
GofPlotTask Built in workflow objects
Workflow task settings objects Use case
PlotSettings Built in workflow objects
SensitivityPlotSettings Built in workflow objects

1.4. General scheme

In order to define and run appropriately a Workflow object, a few steps are required:

    1. Load the ospsuite.reportingengine package
    1. Define the simulation outputs possibly with their PK parameters
    1. Define the simulation sets possibly mapping simulations to observed data
    1. Define the workflow and its result folder
    1. Define the workflow tasks
    1. Run the workflow

A working example of workflow script is provided below for reporting a time profile plot on Minimodel2.pkml.

# Get the pkml simulation file: "MiniModel2.pkml"
simulationFile <- system.file("extdata", "MiniModel2.pkml",
  package = "ospsuite.reportingengine"

# Create Output objects which define output paths that will be plotted by the workflow
outputA <- Output$new(
  path = "Organism|A|Concentration in container",
  displayName = "Concentration of A"
outputB <- Output$new(
  path = "Organism|B|Concentration in container",
  displayName = "Concentration of B"

# Create a SimulationSet object which defines the model and outputs to evaluate
myExampleSet <- SimulationSet$new(
  simulationSetName = "My example",
  simulationFile = simulationFile,
  outputs = c(outputA, outputB)

# Create the workflow object
myExampleWorkflow <-
    simulationSets = myExampleSet,
    workflowFolder = "myExample-Results"

# Set the workflow tasks to be run
myExampleWorkflow$activateTasks(c("simulate", "plotTimeProfilesAndResiduals"))

# Run the workflow

For this example, the list of files and folders generated by the workflow are:

#> [1] "log-debug.txt"     "log-info.txt"      ""   
#> [4] "Report.docx"       ""         "SimulationResults"
#> [7] "TimeProfiles"

The associated report will be as follows:


2. Workflow

Workflow objects define which models are evaluated, how they are evaluated and how the evaluations are reported.

In the ospsuite.reportingengine package, two types of Workflow are available and can be created:

  1. MeanModelWorkflow dedicated on evaluations specific to mean models
  2. PopulationWorkflow dedicated on evaluations specific to population models

2.1. MeanModelWorkflow

Workflows defined by MeanModelWorkflow objects can be illustrated by Figure 1.

The blue frame corresponds to the inputs of the workflow. These inputs need to be defined using SimulationSet objects. For workflows with multiple simulations and observed datasets, a list of SimulationSet objects can be input instead of one unique SimulationSet object. Within a Workflow object, the simulation sets are accessible from the simulationStructures lists which also provides relevant information about input/output files and folders

The black frames correspond to the tasks or evaluations performed by the workflow. These tasks are defined using Task objects built in every Workflow object, meaning there is no need to input them when creating a Workflow object. Users access, update and switch the task on/off tasks after creation of their Workflow.

Figure 1: Mean model workflow inputs and tasks

Figure 1: Mean model workflow inputs and tasks

2.2. PopulationWorkflow

Workflows defined by PopulationWorkflow objects can be illustrated by Figure 2.

The blue frame corresponds to the inputs of the workflow. These inputs need to be defined using PopulationSimulationSet objects. For workflows with multiple simulations and observed datasets, a list of PopulationSimulationSet objects can be input instead of one unique PopulationSimulationSet object. Within a Workflow object, the simulation sets are accessible from the simulationStructures lists which also provides relevant information about input/output files and folders

The black frames correspond to the tasks or evaluations performed by the workflow. These tasks are defined using Task objects built in every Workflow object, meaning there is no need to input them when creating a Workflow object. Users access, update and switch the task on/off tasks after creation of their Workflow.

Some tasks of population workflows perform a direct comparison of the simulation sets (e.g. plotDemography or plotPKParameters). Such comparisons can be different according to the selected population workflow types. Three population workflow types are available in ospsuite.reportingengine and defined in PopulationWorkflowTypes:

  1. Pediatric (workflowType = "pediatric")
    • All properties (physiology and PK Parameter) are plotted vs. age and weight,
    • The time profiles are plotted in comparison to a reference population the sensitivity analysis is done on all populations except the reference population
  2. Parallel Comparison (workflowType = "parallelComparison")
    • PK parameter are plotted parallel in Box-Whisker plots without a reference population,
    • If a reference population is given, the time profiles are plotted in comparison to this population
    • The sensitivity analysis is done on all populations
  3. Ratio Comparison (workflowType = "ratioComparison")
    • Same as parallel comparison, but for the PK Parameter additional the ratio of the PK Parameter to the reference population is calculated and plotted in box-whisker plots
Figure 2: Population workflow inputs and tasks

Figure 2: Population workflow inputs and tasks

2.3. Qualification Workflow

Another type of workflow can be defined by QualificationWorkflow objects using a configuration plan for qualification purposes. The article Qualification Workflow details how to build and use such QualificationWorkflow objects.

2.4. Creation of a Workflow

To create a MeanModelWorkflow or a PopulationWorkflow object, the method $new() needs to be used with at least the inputs defined below.

  • For mean model workflows:
myWorkflow <- MeanModelWorkflow$new(simulationSets, workflowFolder)
  • For population workflows:
myWorkflow <- 
PopulationWorkflow$new(workflowType, simulationSets, workflowFolder)

where the input simulationSets is a list of SimulationSet objects for a mean model workflow, and a list of PopulationSimulationSet objects for a population workflow.

The input workflowFolder is the name of the folder in which the workflow outputs are saved. As illustrated in Figures 1 and 2, some tasks use outputs obtained from previous tasks. If the directory specified in workflowFolder contains such outputs, they will be used by the current workflow. This latter option can be useful for updating and running only parts of the workflow without having to perform all the simulations every time.

The input workflowType is one of the 3 population workflow types as defined by PopulationWorkflowTypes.

Other optional inputs can be added when creating a workflow:

  • createWordReport: logical defining if a word version (.docx) of the report should be saved besides its markdown version (.md). The default value for this option is TRUE, meaning that a report in word is also created.
  • watermark: character defining the text to display in figures background. The default value is NULL, in which case the text “preliminary results” will be displayed in the figures for all computers using an non-validated environment.
  • simulationSetDescriptor: character defining a descriptor of how simulation sets should be indicated in reports (e.g. “scenario”, “set”, “simulation”, or “population”). The default value for this option is NULL, meaning that there won’t be any descriptor of the simulation sets.

2.5. Workflow built in methods and properties

After creation of a Workflow object, some built in methods and properties are available (using the character $ after the name of the object).

Most of the workflow properties correspond to the inputs used to create the workflow and includes createWordReport, workflowFolder, reportFilePath, the list simulationStructures and the workflow tasks (developed in section 4).

Additionally, the methods listed below can be used to access relevant information about the workflow:

To update some of the workflow properties, the methods listed below can be used:

Finally, the method runWorkflow() runs the simulations and analyses of the models, and also saves the evaluations and their report.

3. Simulation sets

SimulationSet and PopulationSimulationSet objects includes all the relevant information needed to report the evaluations of a model.

Below is the syntax for creating such simulation sets, the next sub-sections will provide more details on each input:

Simulation Set


Population Simulation Set


3.1. Simulation file

A simulation file, simulationFile is an export of a simulation from MoBi or PK-SIM in pkml format. Display names for the simulation set can be provided using simulationSetName.

3.2. Population file

A population file, populationFile, is collection of parameter paths and parameter values normally an export of a population from PK-SIM in csv format. It is also possible to use an M&S activity-specific population file, which has the “PK-Sim” format, but was manipulated after the export from PK-SIM or was generated outside of PK-Sim. The generation of the population file than must be validated. Display names for the population can be provided using simulationSetName.

3.2.1. Study Design file

The study design file, studyDesignFile, contains additional information on the study design, e.g. a body weight dependent dose in a pediatric study. A regular csv format is expected for such a file.

The example below shows a template of such a study design content.

Table 2: Example of study design content
Organism|Weight Organism|Weight Gender Applications|IV Bolus|DrugMass
kg kg nmol
20 40 MALE 2
20 40 FEMALE 2.5
40 60 MALE 10
40 60 FEMALE 14
60 20

3.3. Format of data files

If the workflow uses data, two files must be provided within a DataSource object as follows:

DataSource$new(dataFile, metaDataFile, caption = NULL)

The optional caption argument defines the data source displayed caption in the report.

3.3.1. Data file

The Data file can be a blank separated text file or a csv file, column headers are used later as R variable names, and they must not contain special letters like blanks. The data is expected to follow a tidy format like Nonmem formatted datasets. All data columns used for figures and tables, must be numerical and listed in the dictionary/meta data file (details in section 3.3.2). For data filtering, these columns and additional ones can be used, the additional columns may also contain strings. But be careful that these strings do not contain the column separator blank. A column must be either numerical or of type string, they must not contain both.

3.3.2. Dictionary/meta data file

The dictionary is a csv file mapping the data file. Unlike the Matlab version of the reporting engine, a regular csv with a comma (“,”) as separator is expected.

The dictionary file must contain the following variables: ‘ID’, ‘type’, ‘datasetColumn’, ‘datasetUnit’, ‘reportName’, ‘pathID’, ‘comment’. For time profile plots, you must provide ‘time’ and ‘dv’ in ‘ID’. The variable ‘lloq’, for lower limit of quantitation, can also be provided but is not necessary. These variables need to be mapped to the variable names of the dataset using the dictionary variable ‘nonmenColumn’.

Regarding units, two options are possible:

  • Providing units using only the dictionary: for ‘time’ and ‘dv’ the column ‘nonmemUnit’ should be filled with the corresponding unit (‘lloq’ is assumed with the same unit as ‘dv’).
  • Providing units within the observed data:
    • the dictionary must include the following new variables in ‘ID’: ‘time_unit’ and ‘dv_unit’.
    • the dictionary must also include the mapping to the variable names in the dataset using ‘nonmenColumn’.

The example below shows content of the dictionary template tpDictionary.csv:

Table 3: Template for data dictionary
ID type datasetColumn datasetUnit reportName pathID comment
sid identifier SID
stud identifier STUD
time timeprofile TIME h
dv timeprofile DV mg/ml
tad timeprofile TAD h
age covariate AGE year(s) Age Organism|Age
wght covariate WGHT kg Body weight Organism|Weight
hght covariate HGHT cm Height Organism|Height
bmi covariate BMI kg/m² BMI Organism|BMI
gender covariate SEX SEX Gender Make sure male=MALE and female=FEMALE

3.4. Outputs

For any simulation set, Output objects define which simulation paths, associated PK parameters and associated observed data are evaluated. Output objects are also R6 objects created using the method $new(). Below is the syntax for creating such Output objects, the next sub-sections will provide more details on each input:



3.4.1. Path

The input variable path indicates the path name within a simulation (e.g. ‘Organism|PeripheralVenousBlood|Raltegravir|Plasma (Peripheral Venous Blood)’) that needs to be included in the simulation run. Display name and unit for this path can be provided using displayName and displayUnit.

3.4.2. Data selection

For tasks such as goodness of fit, observed data can be used. Usually, the data is included into one unique Nonmem data file which needs to be filtered and associated to the correct path.

The input variable dataSelection provides a filter for the Nonmem data file. It must be R readable code, using the Nonmem headers as variable names (e.g. ‘SID>0’ or ‘AGE<12 & SEX==1’).

  • By default, dataSelection = ‘NONE’. Consequently, no data is selected and no evaluation is performed.
  • If you want to use all, you can include the filter dataSelection = ‘ALL’.

3.4.3. PK parameters

The input pkParameters indicates the path related PK parameters that the user wants to include in his analysis. A list of pk parameter names can be directly provided to this input (e.g. c(‘C_max’, ‘AUC_inf’)). Display names and display units will be used as is from the PK parameter objects defined using the ospsuite package.

In the case different display names or/and units are needed between the same PK parameters but from different paths, it is also possible to use PkParameterInfo instances instead of pk parameter names directly.


However, in the case the same display names and units are used, the better practice is to define or update the PK parameters, their display names and units beforehand with the ospsuite package, then to provide directly the list of their names to the input pkParameters.

  • Updating PK parameters, their display names and units can be done directly with: updatePKParameter().
  • Users can also create their own PK parameters using: addUserDefinedPKParameter().

3.5. Application Ranges

If the simulation set corresponds to multiple administrations, the reported evaluations on some application ranges can be switched on/off. The input applicationRanges corresponds to the names of application ranges to include in the report for the simulation set. By default, all application ranges are included into the report. The enum ApplicationRanges provide the names of application ranges.

#> $total
#> [1] "total"
#> $firstApplication
#> [1] "firstApplication"
#> $lastApplication
#> [1] "lastApplication"

This input is then translated in the SimulationSet objects as a list of logical values defining whether the corresponding application range is included in the report or not.

3.6. Time Offset

The input timeOffset shifts the time variable of time profile plots by its value in timeUnit. By default this value is 0.

This input can be useful for pediatric workflows comparing simulation sets in the same time profile plot.

In scenarios where multiple applications are defined, the time range of first application actually becomes the time range of first application since timeOffset. Likewise, the time range of last application becomes the time range of last application since timeOffset.

4. Tasks

4.1. Task names and activation

As illustrated in Figures 1 and 2, workflows perform multiple evaluations or tasks on a list of simulation sets. Such evaluations are defined using Task objects which are built-in properties of Workflow objects. To know which tasks your workflow can perform, the workflow method getAllTasks() can be used.

Usually, not all the tasks are required to run in a workflow, which led Task objects to include the logical field active defining if a task should be performed or not. The workflow methods getActiveTasks() and getInactiveTasks() provide the names of active and inactive tasks of the workflow, respectively. To modify which tasks should be run, the active field of any task can be updated. The workflow methods activateTasks(taskNames) and inactivateTasks(inactivateTasks) provide a fast and easy way to update which tasks will be run. In particular, their default value for the input taskNames is getAllTasks(), meaning that using activateTasks() without argument will activate every task of the workflow.

Additionally, the enums StandardSimulationTasks and StandardPlotTasks respectively provide a quick access to standard simulation and plot tasks common to mean model and population workflows.

# Names of standard simulation tasks
#> $simulate
#> [1] "simulate"
#> $calculatePKParameters
#> [1] "calculatePKParameters"
#> $calculateSensitivity
#> [1] "calculateSensitivity"

# Names of standard plot tasks
#> $plotTimeProfilesAndResiduals
#> [1] "plotTimeProfilesAndResiduals"
#> $plotPKParameters
#> [1] "plotPKParameters"
#> $plotSensitivity
#> [1] "plotSensitivity"

Using the example shown in section 1.4.. The task names in the mean model workflow were:

# All workflow's tasks
#> [1] "plotSensitivity"              "plotPKParameters"            
#> [3] "plotAbsorption"               "plotMassBalance"             
#> [5] "plotTimeProfilesAndResiduals" "calculateSensitivity"        
#> [7] "calculatePKParameters"        "simulate"

# Only active tasks that are run
#> [1] "plotTimeProfilesAndResiduals" "simulate"

# Only inactive tasks that are not run
#> [1] "plotSensitivity"       "plotPKParameters"      "plotAbsorption"       
#> [4] "plotMassBalance"       "calculateSensitivity"  "calculatePKParameters"

The activation/inactivation of tasks can be done as follows:

# Inactivate all tasks

# Activate only tasks "simulate" and "plotTimeProfilesAndResiduals" tasks
myExampleWorkflow$activateTasks(c("simulate", "plotTimeProfilesAndResiduals"))
#> [1] "plotTimeProfilesAndResiduals" "simulate"

4.2. Required inputs to run a task

As mentioned above, some tasks can be inactivated. Because some evaluations can take a lot of time, especially sensitivity analyses, the use of simulation results as an input of subsequent tasks is essential.

Before running any task, workflows will check if the task required input files are available. This feature can also be accessed by users from the task method getInputs() which can be combined with the function file.exists

# Get list of files or folders required to run task "plotTimeProfilesAndResiduals"
#> [1] "myExample-Results/SimulationResults/My example-SimulationResults.csv"

4.3. Task settings

Task objects include many properties necessary to log the evaluations, to ensure a continuity between input and output files of different tasks and to build the final report of the workflow.

Among the Task properties, the field settings includes the task properties that can be updated for the evaluation, log or report of the workflow. The task settings are R6 objects whose properties can be directly accessed as shown below (using the character $ after settings).

# Get value of settings property "showProgress" for the task "simulate"
#> [1] TRUE

# Get value of settings property "digits" for the task "plotPKParameters"
#> [1] 2

# Get the names of the "plotConfigurations" list used during the task "plotTimeProfilesAndResiduals"
#> [1] "timeProfile" "obsVsPred"   "resVsPred"   "resVsTime"   "resHisto"   
#> [6] "resQQPlot"   "histogram"   "qqPlot"

5. Workflow outputs

Once the workflow and its settings have been defined, the workflow method $runWorkflow() will run all the active tasks and generate all the associated results and report. The following outputs will be generated in workflowFolder directory: logs, results directories and reports.

5.1. Logs

Three types of logs can be generated during the creation, design and run of a workflow:

  • log-info.txt which contains information like starting time and version numbers of the used software
  • log-error.txt which contains all errors and warnings that occurred during the execution
  • log-debug.txt which contains information useful for debugging purpose.

5.2. Result directories

Each task will save its results in a dedicated directory. The names of the results directory are as follow:

  • SimulationResults which contains the results of simulation runs, obtained from simulate task, as csv files. It is possible to load the results using the ospsuite method importResultsFromCSV().
  • PKAnalysisResults which contains the results of PK analysis runs, obtained from calculatePKParameters task, as csv files. It is possible to load the results using the ospsuite method importPKAnalysesFromCSV().
  • SensitivityResults which contains the results of sensitivity analysis runs, obtained from calculateSensitivity task, as csv files. It is possible to load the results using the ospsuite method importSensitivityAnalysisResultsFromCSV().
  • TimeProfiles which contains the figures obtained from plotTimeProfilesAndResiduals task and their source values as png and csv files.
  • PKAnalysis which contains the figures and tables obtained from plotPKParameters task and their source values as png and csv files.
  • Sensitivity which contains the figures obtained from plotSensitivity task and their source values as png and csv files.
  • MassBalance which contains the figures and tables obtained from plotMassBalance task and their source values as png and csv files. This directory is specific of mean model workflows.
  • Absorption which contains the figures and tables obtained from plotAbsorption task and their source values as png and csv files. This directory is specific of mean model workflows.
  • Demography which contains the figures and tables obtained from plotDemography task and their source values as png and csv files. This directory is specific of population model workflows.

Default figure format is png, but it is possible to change this default using setPlotFormat().

5.3. Reports and appendices

Each plot task will save an appendix file besides its results as a markdown format report. These appendices are saved directly within the workflowFolder directory results directory with the following names:

  • from plotTimeProfilesAndResiduals task.
  • from plotPKParameters task.
  • from plotSensitivity task.
  • from plotMassBalance task.
  • from plotAbsorption task.
  • from plotDemography task.

At the end of the workflow run, all the available appendices are combined into final reports:

  • which contains the markdown version of the report, including a table of content and numbering the figures and tables.
  • which contains a markdown version of the report to be translated by pandoc for generating the word report.
  • Report.docx which contains the word version of the report, including a table of content and numbering the figures and tables.

The option createWordReport is set to TRUE as default but can be set to FALSE to prevent the conversion of into Report.docx using pandoc .

6. Templates

For creating or tuning reports, starting from scratch could be challenging. For this reason, some templates have been created to make it easier. The table below provides a list of available templates and their usage.

Template Link Usage
Excel workflow input WorkflowInput.xlsx createWorkflowFromExcelInput()
Word reference report reference.docx wordConversionTemplate argument of Worklfow objects
Qualification workflow script qualification-workflow-template.R Source file to create function createQualificationReport()
Observed data dictionary tpDictionary.csv observedMetaDataFile argument of SimulationSet objects
Study Design StudyDesign.csv studyDesignFile argument of PopulationSimulationSet objects
json theme re-theme.json setDefaultThemeFromJson()
Mass Balance settings mass-balance-settings.json massBalanceFile argument of SimulationSet objects