Skip to contents
#> Loading required package: ospsuite
#> Loading required package: rSharp
#> Attaching package: 'ospsuite'
#> The following object is masked from 'package:base':
#>     %||%
#> Loading required package: tlf


In Population workflows, the Demography task (plotDemography) aims at reporting the distributions of requested Demography parameters that will account for the population workflow type (as defined by variable PopulationWorkflowTypes). The distributions are reported graphically using histograms or range plots depending on the workflow settings.

Inclusion of observed data

Observed data can be included in the demography plots for comparison.

  • In Parallel and Ratio Comparison histograms, observed demography distributions will be displayed along with the simulated demography distribution.
  • In Pediatric histograms, the distributions of all the simulated populations are displayed together in the same figure, observed distributions of all the populations are also displayed together in the same figure.
  • In range plots, observed demography distributions will be displayed along with the simulated demography distribution.

As illustrated below, DataSource objects are necessary to include observed data in demography plots.

# Define file paths for pkml simulation and populations
dictionary <- system.file("extdata", "popDictionary.csv",
  package = "ospsuite.reportingengine"
dataFile <- system.file("extdata", "obsPop.csv",
  package = "ospsuite.reportingengine"

dataSource <- DataSource$new(
  dataFile = dataFile,
  metaDataFile = dictionary,
  caption = "Demography vignette example"

In this process, the dictionary input as metaDataFile is essential. Three columns of the dictionary are used by the workflow in order to map and convert the demography parameters.

  • pathID: Defines the path of the demography parameter to include
  • datasetColumn: Defines the column name of the demography parameter in your dataset
  • datasetUnit: Defines the unit of the demography parameter in your dataset

The 2 next table shows the dictionary and the first rows of the observed data used in our example.

ID type datasetColumn datasetUnit reportName pathID comment
age covariate AGE year(s) Age Organism|Age
weight covariate WEIGHT kg Weight Organism|Weight
gender covariate GENDER Gender Gender Make sure to use same names as in Population
Observed Data
0 MALE Adults 52 16
1 MALE Children 48 9
2 MALE Children 56 10
3 MALE Children 33 6
4 MALE Adults 87 33
5 MALE Children 52 12

Tip: to ensure that the unit defined in datasetUnit is appropriate, you can leverage the ospsuite package and copy/paste the value from R. Below provides a sample to get the appropriate unit for BMI (you need to use format = 13 in order to keep correct encoded text as done for the square below).

writeClipboard(ospsuite::ospUnits$BMI$`kg/m²`, format = 13)

Vignette example

The code below creates the simulation sets used by the workflow defining the simulation, population and data files that will be used through this vignette.

In this example, the same observed data are included using the dataSource argument and different data are selected using the dataSelection argument of the PopulationSimulationSet.

# Define file paths for pkml simulation and populations
simulationFile <- system.file("extdata", "Aciclovir.pkml", package = "ospsuite")
adultFile <- system.file("extdata", "adults.csv", package = "ospsuite.reportingengine")
childrenFile <- system.file("extdata", "children.csv", package = "ospsuite.reportingengine")

adultSet <- PopulationSimulationSet$new(
  referencePopulation = TRUE,
  simulationSetName = "Adults",
  simulationFile = simulationFile,
  populationFile = adultFile,
  dataSource = dataSource,
  dataSelection = 'POP %in% "Adults"'

childrenSet <- PopulationSimulationSet$new(
  simulationSetName = "Children",
  simulationFile = simulationFile,
  populationFile = childrenFile,
  dataSource = dataSource,
  dataSelection = 'POP %in% "Children"'

Parallel and Ratio Comparison Workflows

This section describes how to proceed with Parallel and Ratio Comparison workflows.

When creating a Parallel or a Ratio Comparison workflow, the plotDemography task includes 2 fields named xParameters and yParameters.

  • xParameters defines the demography parameters displayed in the x-axis of range plots.
    If no xParameters is defined (xParameters = NULL), histograms of demography parameters defined in yParameters are performed.
  • yParameters defines the demography parameters that will be displayed in the histograms if there is no xParameters or in the y-axis of range plots if xParameters defines demography parameters.

Note that the parameters can be defined as a vector of character values but also as a named list in which case the name will be used as display name in the figures.

By default, xParameters = NULL meaning that histogram are displayed. Users can check the default xParameters of their workflow type using the function getDefaultDemographyXParameters().

Default yParameters are independent of the workflow type and listed in the table below.

Parameter Path Display Name
Organism|Age Age
Organism|Height Height
Organism|Weight Weight
Organism|BMI BMI
Gender Gender

To define different demography parameters in xParameters and yParameters, the functions setXParametersForDemographyPlot() and setYParametersForDemographyPlot() can be respectively used.


The code below initializes the parallel comparison workflow and activate only the demography task.

parallelWorkflow <- PopulationWorkflow$new(
  workflowType = PopulationWorkflowTypes$parallelComparison,
  simulationSets = c(adultSet, childrenSet),
  workflowFolder = "Parallel-Histograms",
  createWordReport = FALSE
#> 09/09/2024 - 12:21:53
#> i Info  Reporting Engine Information:
#>  Date: 09/09/2024 - 12:21:53
#>  User Information:
#>  Computer Name: fv-az1347-705
#>  User: runneradmin
#>  Login: runneradmin
#>  System is NOT validated
#>  System versions:
#>  R version: R version 4.4.1 (2024-06-14 ucrt)
#>  OSP Suite Package version: 12.1.0
#>  OSP Reporting Engine version: 2.2
#>  tlf version: 1.5.170

activateWorkflowTasks(parallelWorkflow, tasks = AllAvailableTasks$plotDemography)

To plot histograms of demography parameters, no demography parameters are defined in xParameters as illustrated in the example below which defines the parameters to be plotted in the histograms.

To define parameters to be included in the report, either a character array or a named list can be provided. In the case of a named list, the name will be displayed while using its argument to query the appropriate demography parameter. In this example, the parameter Organism|Age is defined with Age as displayed name. User can also leverage the ospsuite package and look for the parameters in the enum StandardPath.

# Query parameters defined in xParameters
getXParametersForDemographyPlot(workflow = parallelWorkflow)
# Query parameters defined in yParameters
getYParametersForDemographyPlot(workflow = parallelWorkflow)
#> $Age
#> [1] "Organism|Age"
#> $Height
#> [1] "Organism|Height"
#> $Weight
#> [1] "Organism|Weight"
#> $BMI
#> [1] "Organism|BMI"
#> $Gender
#> [1] "Gender"
displayedParameters <- list(
  Age = "Organism|Age",
  Weight = "Organism|Weight",
  Gender = "Gender"

# Define no parameters in xParameters to get histograms
setXParametersForDemographyPlot(workflow = parallelWorkflow, parameters = NULL)
# Define parameters to be displayed in histograms as yParameters
setYParametersForDemographyPlot(workflow = parallelWorkflow, parameters = displayedParameters)

Run the corresponding workflow:

#> 09/09/2024 - 12:21:54
#> i Info  Starting run of Population Workflow for parallelComparison
#> 09/09/2024 - 12:21:54
#> i Info  Starting run of Plot Demography task
#> 09/09/2024 - 12:22:02
#> i Info  Plot Demography task completed in 0.1 min
#> 09/09/2024 - 12:22:02
#> i Info  Population Workflow for parallelComparison completed in 0.1 min

For Parallel and Ratio Comparison workflows, the demography histograms display the distributions for each simulation set along with its observed data if available (#17, #535).

For categorical parameters, it can be noted that R factor levels are leveraged to display the name of the categories as is. Thus, users need to ensure that the same names are used in both their population files and observed data.


Range plots

The code below initializes the parallel comparison workflow and activate only the demography task.

parallelWorkflow <- PopulationWorkflow$new(
  workflowType = PopulationWorkflowTypes$parallelComparison,
  simulationSets = c(adultSet, childrenSet),
  workflowFolder = "Parallel-Range-Plots",
  createWordReport = FALSE
#> 09/09/2024 - 12:22:06
#> i Info  Reporting Engine Information:
#>  Date: 09/09/2024 - 12:22:06
#>  User Information:
#>  Computer Name: fv-az1347-705
#>  User: runneradmin
#>  Login: runneradmin
#>  System is NOT validated
#>  System versions:
#>  R version: R version 4.4.1 (2024-06-14 ucrt)
#>  OSP Suite Package version: 12.1.0
#>  OSP Reporting Engine version: 2.2
#>  tlf version: 1.5.170

activateWorkflowTasks(parallelWorkflow, tasks = AllAvailableTasks$plotDemography)

To display range plots of demography parameters, the demography parameters to display are defined in xParameters as illustrated in the example. Note that categorical parameters defined as xParameters (Gender in this case) are displayed (#1088) using box-whisker plots.

xParameters <- list(
  Age = "Organism|Age",
  Gender = "Gender"

setXParametersForDemographyPlot(workflow = parallelWorkflow, parameters = xParameters)
setYParametersForDemographyPlot(workflow = parallelWorkflow, parameters = displayedParameters)

Run the corresponding workflow:

#> 09/09/2024 - 12:22:06
#> i Info  Starting run of Population Workflow for parallelComparison
#> 09/09/2024 - 12:22:06
#> i Info  Starting run of Plot Demography task
#> 09/09/2024 - 12:22:15
#> i Info  Plot Demography task completed in 0.2 min
#> 09/09/2024 - 12:22:15
#> i Info  Population Workflow for parallelComparison completed in 0.2 min

For Parallel and Ratio Comparison workflows, the demography range plots display the distributions for each simulation set along with its observed data if available (#17, #535).

Likewise, categorical parameters (Gender in this case) are displayed along with its observed data if available using boxplots instead (#1088.

For the comparison between simulated and observed populations to be the most relevant possible, the same binning is applied between simulated and observed populations.


Pediatric Workflows

This section describes how to proceed with Pediatric workflows.

When creating a Pediatric workflow, the plotDemography task includes 2 fields named xParameters and yParameters.

  • xParameters defines the demography parameters displayed in the x-axis of range plots.
    If no xParameters is defined (xParameters = NULL), histograms of demography parameters defined in yParameters are performed.
  • yParameters defines the demography parameters that will be displayed in the histograms if there is no xParameters or in the y-axis of range plots if xParameters defines demography parameters.

Note that the parameters can be defined as a vector of character values but also as a named list in which case the name will be used as display name in the figures.

By default, xParameters = "Organism|Age" meaning that range plots of demography parameters vs Age are displayed. Users can check the default xParameters of their workflow type using the function getDefaultDemographyXParameters().

Default yParameters are independent of the workflow type and listed in the table below.

Parameter Path Display Name
Organism|Age Age
Organism|Height Height
Organism|Weight Weight
Organism|BMI BMI
Gender Gender

To define different demography parameters in xParameters and yParameters, the functions setXParametersForDemographyPlot() and setYParametersForDemographyPlot() can be respectively used.


The code below initializes the pediatric workflow and activate only the demography task.

pediatricWorkflow <- PopulationWorkflow$new(
  workflowType = PopulationWorkflowTypes$pediatric,
  simulationSets = c(adultSet, childrenSet),
  workflowFolder = "Pediatric-Histograms",
  createWordReport = FALSE
#> 09/09/2024 - 12:22:19
#> i Info  Reporting Engine Information:
#>  Date: 09/09/2024 - 12:22:19
#>  User Information:
#>  Computer Name: fv-az1347-705
#>  User: runneradmin
#>  Login: runneradmin
#>  System is NOT validated
#>  System versions:
#>  R version: R version 4.4.1 (2024-06-14 ucrt)
#>  OSP Suite Package version: 12.1.0
#>  OSP Reporting Engine version: 2.2
#>  tlf version: 1.5.170

activateWorkflowTasks(pediatricWorkflow, tasks = AllAvailableTasks$plotDemography)

To plot histograms of demography parameters, no demography parameters are defined in xParameters as illustrated in the example below which defines the parameters to be plotted in the histograms.

displayedParameters <- list(
  Age = "Organism|Age",
  Weight = "Organism|Weight",
  Gender = "Gender"

setXParametersForDemographyPlot(workflow = pediatricWorkflow, parameters = NULL)
setYParametersForDemographyPlot(workflow = pediatricWorkflow, parameters = displayedParameters)

Run the corresponding workflow:

#> 09/09/2024 - 12:22:19
#> i Info  Starting run of Population Workflow for pediatric
#> 09/09/2024 - 12:22:19
#> i Info  Starting run of Plot Demography task
#> 09/09/2024 - 12:22:26
#> i Info  Plot Demography task completed in 0.1 min
#> 09/09/2024 - 12:22:26
#> i Info  Population Workflow for pediatric completed in 0.1 min

For Pediatric workflows, the demography histograms display the distributions for all simulation sets together (#17, #535). If observed data is available, the distributions for all simulation sets observed data are also displayed together.

For categorical parameters, it can be noted that R factor levels are leveraged to display the name of the categories as is. Thus, users need to ensure that the same names are used in both their population files and observed data.


Range plots

The code below initializes the pediatric workflow and activate only the demography task.

pediatricWorkflow <- PopulationWorkflow$new(
  workflowType = PopulationWorkflowTypes$pediatric,
  simulationSets = c(adultSet, childrenSet),
  workflowFolder = "Pediatric-Range-Plots",
  createWordReport = FALSE
#> 09/09/2024 - 12:22:30
#> i Info  Reporting Engine Information:
#>  Date: 09/09/2024 - 12:22:30
#>  User Information:
#>  Computer Name: fv-az1347-705
#>  User: runneradmin
#>  Login: runneradmin
#>  System is NOT validated
#>  System versions:
#>  R version: R version 4.4.1 (2024-06-14 ucrt)
#>  OSP Suite Package version: 12.1.0
#>  OSP Reporting Engine version: 2.2
#>  tlf version: 1.5.170

activateWorkflowTasks(pediatricWorkflow, tasks = AllAvailableTasks$plotDemography)

To display range plots of demography parameters, the demography parameters to display are defined in xParameters as illustrated in the example. Note that categorical parameters defined as xParameters (Gender in this case) are displayed (#1088) using box-whisker plots.

xParameters <- list(
  Age = "Organism|Age",
  Gender = "Gender"

setXParametersForDemographyPlot(workflow = pediatricWorkflow, parameters = xParameters)
setYParametersForDemographyPlot(workflow = pediatricWorkflow, parameters = displayedParameters)

Run the corresponding workflow:

#> 09/09/2024 - 12:22:30
#> i Info  Starting run of Population Workflow for pediatric
#> 09/09/2024 - 12:22:30
#> i Info  Starting run of Plot Demography task
#> 09/09/2024 - 12:22:42
#> i Info  Plot Demography task completed in 0.2 min
#> 09/09/2024 - 12:22:42
#> i Info  Population Workflow for pediatric completed in 0.2 min

For Pediatric workflows, the demography range plots display the distributions for each simulation set along with its observed data if available (#17, #535). Additionally, range plots comparing the distribution of each simulation set to the reference simulation set is also performed.

Categorical parameters (Gender in this case) are also displayed along with the reference simulation set.

For the comparison between simulated and observed populations to be the most relevant possible, the same binning is used between simulated and observed populations.

For the additional comparison with the reference simulation set, the global summary statistics of the reference are displayed as horizontal ranges. However, it is possible to display binned ranges for the reference simulation set by turning off the settings referenceGlobalRange.


Demography settings

The demography plot task includes a few settings that may allow users to fine tune their demography plots. Such settings are available in the field workflow$plotDemography$settings.

Since categorical parameters are displayed using boxplots, they are not affected by the settings described below.

Binning histograms and range plots

Currently, the default number of bins is set to 11. However, users can update the number of bins or even include the bin edges within the field bins as illustrated below.

workflow$plotDemography$settings$bins <- 5

In the example below, the binning is included within a parallel workflow:

parallelWorkflow <- PopulationWorkflow$new(
  workflowType = PopulationWorkflowTypes$parallelComparison,
  simulationSets = c(adultSet, childrenSet),
  workflowFolder = "Parallel-Histograms",
  createWordReport = FALSE
#> 09/09/2024 - 12:22:46
#> i Info  Reporting Engine Information:
#>  Date: 09/09/2024 - 12:22:46
#>  User Information:
#>  Computer Name: fv-az1347-705
#>  User: runneradmin
#>  Login: runneradmin
#>  System is NOT validated
#>  System versions:
#>  R version: R version 4.4.1 (2024-06-14 ucrt)
#>  OSP Suite Package version: 12.1.0
#>  OSP Reporting Engine version: 2.2
#>  tlf version: 1.5.170

activateWorkflowTasks(parallelWorkflow, tasks = AllAvailableTasks$plotDemography)

# Only display histograms for Age, Weight and Gender
displayedParameters <- list(
  Age = "Organism|Age",
  Weight = "Organism|Weight",
  Gender = "Gender"
setYParametersForDemographyPlot(workflow = parallelWorkflow, parameters = displayedParameters)

# Set up 5 bins for all histograms
parallelWorkflow$plotDemography$settings$bins <- 5

#> 09/09/2024 - 12:22:46
#> i Info  Starting run of Population Workflow for parallelComparison
#> 09/09/2024 - 12:22:46
#> i Info  Starting run of Plot Demography task
#> 09/09/2024 - 12:22:54
#> i Info  Plot Demography task completed in 0.1 min
#> 09/09/2024 - 12:22:54
#> i Info  Population Workflow for parallelComparison completed in 0.1 min

In the report displayed below, the histograms are displayed with 5 bins except for categorical parameter whose categories are displayed as is.


The same binning can also be applied to range plots as illustrated below:

pediatricWorkflow <- PopulationWorkflow$new(
  workflowType = PopulationWorkflowTypes$pediatric,
  simulationSets = c(adultSet, childrenSet),
  workflowFolder = "Pediatric-Range",
  createWordReport = FALSE
#> 09/09/2024 - 12:22:58
#> i Info  Reporting Engine Information:
#>  Date: 09/09/2024 - 12:22:58
#>  User Information:
#>  Computer Name: fv-az1347-705
#>  User: runneradmin
#>  Login: runneradmin
#>  System is NOT validated
#>  System versions:
#>  R version: R version 4.4.1 (2024-06-14 ucrt)
#>  OSP Suite Package version: 12.1.0
#>  OSP Reporting Engine version: 2.2
#>  tlf version: 1.5.170

activateWorkflowTasks(pediatricWorkflow, tasks = AllAvailableTasks$plotDemography)

displayedParameters <- list(
  Age = "Organism|Age",
  Weight = "Organism|Weight",
  Gender = "Gender"
setYParametersForDemographyPlot(workflow = pediatricWorkflow, parameters = displayedParameters)

# Set up 5 bins for all the range plots
pediatricWorkflow$plotDemography$settings$bins <- 5

#> 09/09/2024 - 12:22:58
#> i Info  Starting run of Population Workflow for pediatric
#> 09/09/2024 - 12:22:58
#> i Info  Starting run of Plot Demography task
#> 09/09/2024 - 12:23:03
#> i Info  Plot Demography task completed in 0.1 min
#> 09/09/2024 - 12:23:03
#> i Info  Population Workflow for pediatric completed in 0.1 min

Note that the algorithm that calculates the bin edges based on the number of bins aims at including the same number of points in each bin.

It is also possible to update default aggregation settings in order to update binning but also computed and displayed aggregation values using the following functions:

Continuous vs stair step range plots

By default, demography range plots are displayed as stair step range plots. It is however possible to connect the aggregated values to get a continuous range plot by setting the stairstep field to FALSE as shown below.

workflow$plotDemography$settings$stairstep <- FALSE

In the example below, continuous range plots are included within a pediatric workflow:

pediatricWorkflow <- PopulationWorkflow$new(
  workflowType = PopulationWorkflowTypes$pediatric,
  simulationSets = c(adultSet, childrenSet),
  workflowFolder = "Pediatric-Range",
  createWordReport = FALSE
#> 09/09/2024 - 12:23:06
#> i Info  Reporting Engine Information:
#>  Date: 09/09/2024 - 12:23:06
#>  User Information:
#>  Computer Name: fv-az1347-705
#>  User: runneradmin
#>  Login: runneradmin
#>  System is NOT validated
#>  System versions:
#>  R version: R version 4.4.1 (2024-06-14 ucrt)
#>  OSP Suite Package version: 12.1.0
#>  OSP Reporting Engine version: 2.2
#>  tlf version: 1.5.170

activateWorkflowTasks(pediatricWorkflow, tasks = AllAvailableTasks$plotDemography)

displayedParameters <- list(
  Age = "Organism|Age",
  Weight = "Organism|Weight",
  Gender = "Gender"
setYParametersForDemographyPlot(workflow = pediatricWorkflow, parameters = displayedParameters)

# Set up continuous line between bins with stairstep settings being FALSE
pediatricWorkflow$plotDemography$settings$stairstep <- FALSE

#> 09/09/2024 - 12:23:06
#> i Info  Starting run of Population Workflow for pediatric
#> 09/09/2024 - 12:23:06
#> i Info  Starting run of Plot Demography task
#> 09/09/2024 - 12:23:12
#> i Info  Plot Demography task completed in 0.1 min
#> 09/09/2024 - 12:23:12
#> i Info  Population Workflow for pediatric completed in 0.1 min

Dodging histogram bars

By default, demography histogram plots dodge the bars to prevent bars masking one another. It is however possible to remove this settings in case the bars do not overlap by setting the dodge field to FALSE as shown below.

workflow$plotDemography$settings$dodge <- FALSE

In the example below, dodging is removed within a parallel comparison workflow:

parallelWorkflow <- PopulationWorkflow$new(
  workflowType = PopulationWorkflowTypes$parallelComparison,
  simulationSets = c(adultSet, childrenSet),
  workflowFolder = "Parallel-Histograms",
  createWordReport = FALSE
#> 09/09/2024 - 12:23:15
#> i Info  Reporting Engine Information:
#>  Date: 09/09/2024 - 12:23:15
#>  User Information:
#>  Computer Name: fv-az1347-705
#>  User: runneradmin
#>  Login: runneradmin
#>  System is NOT validated
#>  System versions:
#>  R version: R version 4.4.1 (2024-06-14 ucrt)
#>  OSP Suite Package version: 12.1.0
#>  OSP Reporting Engine version: 2.2
#>  tlf version: 1.5.170

activateWorkflowTasks(parallelWorkflow, tasks = AllAvailableTasks$plotDemography)

displayedParameters <- list(
  Age = "Organism|Age",
  Weight = "Organism|Weight",
  Gender = "Gender"
setYParametersForDemographyPlot(workflow = parallelWorkflow, parameters = displayedParameters)

# Turn off dodging of histogram bars
parallelWorkflow$plotDemography$settings$dodge <- FALSE

#> 09/09/2024 - 12:23:15
#> i Info  Starting run of Population Workflow for parallelComparison
#> 09/09/2024 - 12:23:15
#> i Info  Starting run of Plot Demography task
#> 09/09/2024 - 12:23:23
#> i Info  Plot Demography task completed in 0.1 min
#> 09/09/2024 - 12:23:23
#> i Info  Population Workflow for parallelComparison completed in 0.1 min

Display reference population global range

Pediatric workflow range plots compare simulation sets to the reference simulation set (#17).

In cases where distributions in xParameters between populations are comparable, it may be more appropriate to display binned distributions of the yParameters of the reference population.

As a consequence, it is possible to define such feature by setting the referenceGlobalRange field to FALSE as illustrated below.

workflow$plotDemography$settings$referenceGlobalRange <- FALSE

In the example below, reference simulation set is displayed with same bins as the simulation set to compare:

pediatricWorkflow <- PopulationWorkflow$new(
  workflowType = PopulationWorkflowTypes$pediatric,
  simulationSets = c(adultSet, childrenSet),
  workflowFolder = "Pediatric-Range",
  createWordReport = FALSE
#> 09/09/2024 - 12:23:26
#> i Info  Reporting Engine Information:
#>  Date: 09/09/2024 - 12:23:26
#>  User Information:
#>  Computer Name: fv-az1347-705
#>  User: runneradmin
#>  Login: runneradmin
#>  System is NOT validated
#>  System versions:
#>  R version: R version 4.4.1 (2024-06-14 ucrt)
#>  OSP Suite Package version: 12.1.0
#>  OSP Reporting Engine version: 2.2
#>  tlf version: 1.5.170

activateWorkflowTasks(pediatricWorkflow, tasks = AllAvailableTasks$plotDemography)

displayedParameters <- list(
  Age = "Organism|Age",
  Weight = "Organism|Weight",
  Gender = "Gender"
setYParametersForDemographyPlot(workflow = pediatricWorkflow, parameters = displayedParameters)

# Turn off reference global range
pediatricWorkflow$plotDemography$settings$referenceGlobalRange <- FALSE

#> 09/09/2024 - 12:23:26
#> i Info  Starting run of Population Workflow for pediatric
#> 09/09/2024 - 12:23:26
#> i Info  Starting run of Plot Demography task
#> 09/09/2024 - 12:23:32
#> i Info  Plot Demography task completed in 0.1 min
#> 09/09/2024 - 12:23:32
#> i Info  Population Workflow for pediatric completed in 0.1 min