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Create axes labels


.createAxesLabels(data, specificPlotConfiguration)



A data frame from DataCombined$toDataFrame(), which has additionally been cleaned using ospsuite:::.unitConverter() to have the same units across datasets.


The nature of labels will change depending on the type of plot. The type of plot can be guessed from the specific PlotConfiguration object used, since each plot has a unique corresponding class.


If axes labels haven't been specified, create them using information about dimensions and units present in the data frame produced by DataCombined$toDataFrame().


df <- dplyr::tibble(
  dataType = c(rep("simulated", 3), rep("observed", 3)),
  xValues = c(0, 14.482, 28.965, 0, 1, 2),
  xUnit = "min",
  xDimension = "Time",
  yValues = c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1),
  yUnit = "mol/ml",
  yDimension = ospDimensions$`Concentration (mass)`,
  yErrorValues = c(2.747, 2.918, 2.746, NA, NA, NA),
  molWeight = c(10, 10, 20, 20, 10, 10)

df <- ospsuite:::.unitConverter(df)

ospsuite:::.createAxesLabels(df, tlf::TimeProfilePlotConfiguration$new())
#> $xLabel
#> [1] "Time [min]"
#> $yLabel
#> [1] "Concentration [mol/ml]"