Create axes labels
- data
A data frame from
, which has additionally been cleaned usingospsuite:::.unitConverter()
to have the same units across datasets.- specificPlotConfiguration
The nature of labels will change depending on the type of plot. The type of plot can be guessed from the specific
object used, since each plot has a unique corresponding class.
If axes labels haven't been specified, create them using information about
dimensions and units present in the data frame produced by
See also
Other utilities-plotting:
df <- dplyr::tibble(
dataType = c(rep("simulated", 3), rep("observed", 3)),
xValues = c(0, 14.482, 28.965, 0, 1, 2),
xUnit = "min",
xDimension = "Time",
yValues = c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1),
yUnit = "mol/ml",
yDimension = ospDimensions$`Concentration (mass)`,
yErrorValues = c(2.747, 2.918, 2.746, NA, NA, NA),
molWeight = c(10, 10, 20, 20, 10, 10)
df <- ospsuite:::.unitConverter(df)
ospsuite:::.createAxesLabels(df, tlf::TimeProfilePlotConfiguration$new())
#> $xLabel
#> [1] "Time [min]"
#> $yLabel
#> [1] "Concentration [mol/ml]"