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Parameters defined by a table formula have special syntax for retrieving and changing the values. The value of a table parameter is given by a list of ValuePoint objects, each ValuePoint being an x-y value pair. X values usually refer to the simulation time.

#> Loading required package: rSharp

# Load a simulation
simFilePath <- system.file("extdata", "Aciclovir.pkml", package = "ospsuite")
sim <- loadSimulation(simFilePath)

# Get the parameter defined by a table.
tableParam <- getParameter("Organism|TableParameter", sim)
#> Parameter: 
#>    Path: Organism|TableParameter 
#>    Value: 0.00e+00 
#>    isTable: TRUE 
#>    XDimension: Time 
#>    UseDerivedValues: FALSE 
#>   x= 0, y= 0, restartSolver= FALSE
#>   x= 60, y= 1, restartSolver= FALSE
#>   x= 120, y= 2, restartSolver= FALSE
#>   x= 180, y= 3, restartSolver= FALSE
#>    Value overrides formula: FALSE 
#>    isStateVariable: FALSE

Direct access to the value points is possible through the TableFormula of the table parameter. All x- or y-values stored in the table can be conveniently retrieved using the lapply method:

# Get the parameter defined by a table
tableParam <- getParameter("Organism|TableParameter", sim)
#> Parameter: 
#>    Path: Organism|TableParameter 
#>    Value: 0.00e+00 
#>    isTable: TRUE 
#>    XDimension: Time 
#>    UseDerivedValues: FALSE 
#>   x= 0, y= 0, restartSolver= FALSE
#>   x= 60, y= 1, restartSolver= FALSE
#>   x= 120, y= 2, restartSolver= FALSE
#>   x= 180, y= 3, restartSolver= FALSE
#>    Value overrides formula: FALSE 
#>    isStateVariable: FALSE

# Get all value points
#> [[1]]
#>   x= 0, y= 0, restartSolver= FALSE
#> [[2]]
#>   x= 60, y= 1, restartSolver= FALSE
#> [[3]]
#>   x= 120, y= 2, restartSolver= FALSE
#> [[4]]
#>   x= 180, y= 3, restartSolver= FALSE

# Get all x-values
xValues <- lapply(tableParam$formula$allPoints, function(point) {
#> [[1]]
#> [1] 0
#> [[2]]
#> [1] 60
#> [[3]]
#> [1] 120
#> [[4]]
#> [1] 180

# Get all y-values
yValues <- lapply(tableParam$formula$allPoints, function(point) {
#> [[1]]
#> [1] 0
#> [[2]]
#> [1] 1
#> [[3]]
#> [1] 2
#> [[4]]
#> [1] 3

The method valueAt() of the TableFormula returns the value of y for the given x. If no entry exists for the x, the value y is linearly interpolated between the two closest x values.

# Get the parameter defined by a table
tableParam <- getParameter("Organism|TableParameter", sim)

# Value at x = 60 is stored in the table
#> [1] 1

# Value at x = 90 is not in the table
#> [1] 1.5

Changing table parameter values

Simply setting the value of a table-defined parameter using setParameterValues will override the formula and make the parameter constant.

# Get the parameter defined by a table.
tableParam <- getParameter("Organism|TableParameter", sim)
#> Parameter: 
#>    Path: Organism|TableParameter 
#>    Value: 0.00e+00 
#>    isTable: TRUE 
#>    XDimension: Time 
#>    UseDerivedValues: FALSE 
#>   x= 0, y= 0, restartSolver= FALSE
#>   x= 60, y= 1, restartSolver= FALSE
#>   x= 120, y= 2, restartSolver= FALSE
#>   x= 180, y= 3, restartSolver= FALSE
#>    Value overrides formula: FALSE 
#>    isStateVariable: FALSE

# Set value to a constant. tableParam$isFixedValue is now TRUE
setParameterValues(tableParam, 10)
#> Parameter: 
#>    Path: Organism|TableParameter 
#>    Value: 10.00 
#>    isTable: TRUE 
#>    XDimension: Time 
#>    UseDerivedValues: FALSE 
#>   x= 0, y= 0, restartSolver= FALSE
#>   x= 60, y= 1, restartSolver= FALSE
#>   x= 120, y= 2, restartSolver= FALSE
#>   x= 180, y= 3, restartSolver= FALSE
#>    Value overrides formula: TRUE 
#>    isStateVariable: FALSE

To change the values of the table, a set of methods of the TableFormula is available. The method addPoints() adds a set of x-y values to the existing table. If trying to add a point with the x-value already present in the table, an error is thrown:

tableParam <- getParameter("Organism|TableParameter", sim)
#> Parameter: 
#>    Path: Organism|TableParameter 
#>    Value: 10.00 
#>    isTable: TRUE 
#>    XDimension: Time 
#>    UseDerivedValues: FALSE 
#>   x= 0, y= 0, restartSolver= FALSE
#>   x= 60, y= 1, restartSolver= FALSE
#>   x= 120, y= 2, restartSolver= FALSE
#>   x= 180, y= 3, restartSolver= FALSE
#>    Value overrides formula: TRUE 
#>    isStateVariable: FALSE

# Add new points
tableParam$formula$addPoints(c(1, 2, 3), c(5, 6, 7))
#> Parameter: 
#>    Path: Organism|TableParameter 
#>    Value: 10.00 
#>    isTable: TRUE 
#>    XDimension: Time 
#>    UseDerivedValues: FALSE 
#>   x= 0, y= 0, restartSolver= FALSE
#>   x= 1, y= 5, restartSolver= FALSE
#>   x= 2, y= 6, restartSolver= FALSE
#>   x= 3, y= 7, restartSolver= FALSE
#>   x= 60, y= 1, restartSolver= FALSE
#>   x= 120, y= 2, restartSolver= FALSE
#>   x= 180, y= 3, restartSolver= FALSE
#>    Value overrides formula: TRUE 
#>    isStateVariable: FALSE

# Try to add points with existing x-values
tableParam$formula$addPoints(0, 1)
#> Error in".External", c(list("r_call_method", self$pointer, methodName), : Type:    OSPSuite.Core.Domain.ValuePointAlreadyExistsForPointException
#> Message: A point for x=0 was already added with y=1
#> Method:  Int32 AddPoint(OSPSuite.Core.Domain.Formulas.ValuePoint)
#> Stack trace:
#>    at OSPSuite.Core.Domain.Formulas.TableFormula.AddPoint(ValuePoint point)
#>    at OSPSuite.Core.Domain.Formulas.TableFormula.AddPoint(Double x, Double y)
#>    at InvokeStub_TableFormula.AddPoint(Object, Span`1)
#>    at System.Reflection.MethodBaseInvoker.InvokeWithFewArgs(Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, Object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture)

To remove a point from the table, use the method removePoint(). It remove a point if the x value is present in the table and has the provided y.

#> Parameter: 
#>    Path: Organism|TableParameter 
#>    Value: 10.00 
#>    isTable: TRUE 
#>    XDimension: Time 
#>    UseDerivedValues: FALSE 
#>   x= 0, y= 0, restartSolver= FALSE
#>   x= 1, y= 5, restartSolver= FALSE
#>   x= 2, y= 6, restartSolver= FALSE
#>   x= 3, y= 7, restartSolver= FALSE
#>   x= 60, y= 1, restartSolver= FALSE
#>   x= 120, y= 2, restartSolver= FALSE
#>   x= 180, y= 3, restartSolver= FALSE
#>    Value overrides formula: TRUE 
#>    isStateVariable: FALSE

# Remove the point (0, 0)
tableParam$formula$removePoint(0, 0)
#> Parameter: 
#>    Path: Organism|TableParameter 
#>    Value: 10.00 
#>    isTable: TRUE 
#>    XDimension: Time 
#>    UseDerivedValues: FALSE 
#>   x= 1, y= 5, restartSolver= FALSE
#>   x= 2, y= 6, restartSolver= FALSE
#>   x= 3, y= 7, restartSolver= FALSE
#>   x= 60, y= 1, restartSolver= FALSE
#>   x= 120, y= 2, restartSolver= FALSE
#>   x= 180, y= 3, restartSolver= FALSE
#>    Value overrides formula: TRUE 
#>    isStateVariable: FALSE

# Try to remove the point (1, 1). Note that the value for x = 1 is x = 5 in the original table,
# and no point is removed.
tableParam$formula$removePoint(1, 1)
#> Parameter: 
#>    Path: Organism|TableParameter 
#>    Value: 10.00 
#>    isTable: TRUE 
#>    XDimension: Time 
#>    UseDerivedValues: FALSE 
#>   x= 1, y= 5, restartSolver= FALSE
#>   x= 2, y= 6, restartSolver= FALSE
#>   x= 3, y= 7, restartSolver= FALSE
#>   x= 60, y= 1, restartSolver= FALSE
#>   x= 120, y= 2, restartSolver= FALSE
#>   x= 180, y= 3, restartSolver= FALSE
#>    Value overrides formula: TRUE 
#>    isStateVariable: FALSE

# Try to remove a non-existing point (0, 1). No point is removed.
tableParam$formula$removePoint(1, 1)
#> Parameter: 
#>    Path: Organism|TableParameter 
#>    Value: 10.00 
#>    isTable: TRUE 
#>    XDimension: Time 
#>    UseDerivedValues: FALSE 
#>   x= 1, y= 5, restartSolver= FALSE
#>   x= 2, y= 6, restartSolver= FALSE
#>   x= 3, y= 7, restartSolver= FALSE
#>   x= 60, y= 1, restartSolver= FALSE
#>   x= 120, y= 2, restartSolver= FALSE
#>   x= 180, y= 3, restartSolver= FALSE
#>    Value overrides formula: TRUE 
#>    isStateVariable: FALSE

The clearPoints() method removes all points from the table, while setPoints() method is a combination of clearing the table and adding new points:

#> Parameter: 
#>    Path: Organism|TableParameter 
#>    Value: 10.00 
#>    isTable: TRUE 
#>    XDimension: Time 
#>    UseDerivedValues: FALSE 
#>   x= 1, y= 5, restartSolver= FALSE
#>   x= 2, y= 6, restartSolver= FALSE
#>   x= 3, y= 7, restartSolver= FALSE
#>   x= 60, y= 1, restartSolver= FALSE
#>   x= 120, y= 2, restartSolver= FALSE
#>   x= 180, y= 3, restartSolver= FALSE
#>    Value overrides formula: TRUE 
#>    isStateVariable: FALSE

tableParam$formula$setPoints(c(1, 2, 3, 4), c(5, 6, 7, 8))
#> Parameter: 
#>    Path: Organism|TableParameter 
#>    Value: 10.00 
#>    isTable: TRUE 
#>    XDimension: Time 
#>    UseDerivedValues: FALSE 
#>   x= 1, y= 5, restartSolver= FALSE
#>   x= 2, y= 6, restartSolver= FALSE
#>   x= 3, y= 7, restartSolver= FALSE
#>   x= 4, y= 8, restartSolver= FALSE
#>    Value overrides formula: TRUE 
#>    isStateVariable: FALSE

#> Parameter: 
#>    Path: Organism|TableParameter 
#>    Value: 10.00 
#>    isTable: TRUE 
#>    XDimension: Time 
#>    UseDerivedValues: FALSE 
#>    Value overrides formula: TRUE 
#>    isStateVariable: FALSE