An OSPSuite simulation
Super classes
-> ospsuite::DotNetWrapper
-> ospsuite::ObjectBase
-> Simulation
Active bindings
Root container of the simulation (read-only)
Path of the root container of the simulation (read-only)
SimulationSolver object for the simulation (read-only)
outputSchema object for the simulation (read-only)
outputSelections object for the simulation (read-only)
Path to the file the simulation was loaded from (read-only)
Method new()
Initialize a new instance of the class
Simulation$new(ref, sourceFile = NULL)
Method allEndogenousStationaryMoleculeNames()
Returns the name of all endogenous stationary molecules defined in the simulation. (e.g. with the flag IsStationary = TRUE) This is a typically a molecule that is individual specific such as en Enzyme, Protein, Transporter, FcRn etc.
Method allXenobioticFloatingMoleculeNames()
Returns the name of all xenobiotic floating molecules defined in the simulation. (e.g. with the flag IsStationary = FALSE) This is typically a molecule that is being explicitly simulated such as Compound, Inhibitor, DrugComplex.
Method allStationaryMoleculeNames()
Returns the name of all stationary molecules defined in the simulation. (e.g. with the flag IsStationary = TRUE)
Method allFloatingMoleculeNames()
Returns the name of all floating molecules defined in the simulation. (e.g. with the flag IsStationary = FALSE)
Method molWeightFor()
Returns the mol weight value (in core unit) associated to the quantity with given path or NA if not found
Method allApplicationsFor()
Returns the applications ordered by start time associated to the quantity with path quantityPath
or an empty list if not found
Method print()
Print the object to the console