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Extract Unique Elements of type 'Entity'


uniqueEntities(entities, compareBy = CompareBy$id)



List of objects of type 'Entity'


A string defining the property that is compared by. Can take values 'id', 'name', and 'path'. Default is 'id'.


List of entities that are unique for the property defined by the argument 'compareBy'.


simPath <- system.file("extdata", "simple.pkml", package = "ospsuite")
sim <- loadSimulation(simPath)

parameters <- c(
  getParameter(toPathString(c("Organism", "Liver", "Volume")), sim),
  getParameter(toPathString(c("Organism", "Liver", "Volume")), sim),
  getParameter(toPathString(c("Organism", "TableParameter")), sim)

# Return a list containing the two parameters 'Volume' and 'Weight (tissue)'
uniqueEntities(parameters, CompareBy$id)
#> [[1]]
#> Parameter: 
#>    Path: Organism|TableParameter 
#>    Value: 1.00 [1/min] 
#>    isTable: TRUE 
#>    XDimension: Time 
#>    UseDerivedValues: FALSE 
#>   x= 0, y= 1, restartSolver= FALSE
#>   x= 10, y= 2, restartSolver= FALSE
#>   x= 30, y= 3, restartSolver= FALSE
#>   x= 40, y= 4, restartSolver= FALSE
#>    Value overrides formula: FALSE 
#>    isStateVariable: FALSE 
#> [[2]]
#> Parameter: 
#>    Path: Organism|Liver|Volume 
#>    Value: 10.00 [l] 
#>    isConstant: TRUE 
#>    isStateVariable: FALSE 