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Run simulation batches


  simulationRunOptions = NULL,
  silentMode = FALSE,
  stopIfFails = FALSE



List of SimulationBatch objects with added parameter and initial values


Optional instance of a SimulationRunOptions used during the simulation run.


If TRUE, no warnings are displayed if a simulation fails. Default is FALSE. Has no effect if stopIfFails is TRUE.


Whether to stop the execution if one of the simulations failed. Default is FALSE.


Nested list of SimulationResults objects. The first level of the fist are the IDs of the SimulationBatches, containing a list of SimulationResults for each set of parameter/initial values. If a simulation with a parameter/initial values set fails, the result for this run is NULL


Runs a set of simulation batches. The simulation batches must be populated with sets of parameter and start values with SimulationBatch$addRunValues() prior to running. After the run, the list of parameter and start values is cleared.


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
sim1 <- loadSimulation("sim1", loadFromCache = TRUE)
sim2 <- loadSimulation("sim2", loadFromCache = TRUE)
parameters <- c("Organism|Liver|Volume", "R1|k1")
molecules <- "Organism|Liver|A"
# Create two simulation batches.
simulationBatch1 <- createSimulationBatch(
  simulation = sim1,
  parametersOrPaths = parameters,
  moleculesOrPaths = molecules
simulationBatch2 <- createSimulationBatch(
  simulation = sim2,
  parametersOrPaths = parameters,
  moleculesOrPaths = molecules
# Ids of run values
ids <- c()
ids[[1]] <- simulationBatch1$addRunValues(parameterValues = c(1, 2), initialValues = 1)
ids[[2]] <- simulationBatch1$addRunValues(parameterValues = c(1.6, 2.4), initialValues = 3)
ids[[3]] <- simulationBatch2$addRunValues(parameterValues = c(4, 2), initialValues = 4)
ids[[4]] <- simulationBatch2$addRunValues(parameterValues = c(2.6, 4.4), initialValues = 5)
res <- runSimulationBatches(simulationBatches = list(simulationBatch1, simulationBatch2))
} # }