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List all available dimensions in the OSPSuite platform




Returns the names of all available dimensions defined in the OSPSuite platform.


#>  [1] "Abundance per mass protein"     "Abundance per tissue"          
#>  [3] "Age in weeks"                   "Age in years"                  
#>  [5] "Amount"                         "Amount per time"               
#>  [7] "Ampere"                         "Area"                          
#>  [9] "AUC (mass)"                     "AUC (molar)"                   
#> [11] "AUCM (molar)"                   "Becquerel"                     
#> [13] "BMI"                            "Candela"                       
#> [15] "CL per mass protein"            "CL per recombinant enzyme"     
#> [17] "Compliance"                     "Compliance (Area)"             
#> [19] "Concentration (mass)"           "Concentration (molar)"         
#> [21] "Concentration (molar) per time" "Coulomb"                       
#> [23] "Count"                          "Count per mass"                
#> [25] "Count per volume"               "CV mmHg*s²/ml"                 
#> [27] "CV Viscosity"                   "CV Viscosity per Volume"       
#> [29] "Density"                        "Diffusion coefficient"         
#> [31] "Dimensionless"                  "Dose per body surface area"    
#> [33] "Dose per body weight"           "Elastance"                     
#> [35] "Energy"                         "Farad"                         
#> [37] "Flow"                           "Flow per body surface area"    
#> [39] "Flow per weight"                "Flow per weight organ"         
#> [41] "Flow²"                          "Fraction"                      
#> [43] "Gray"                           "Henry"                         
#> [45] "Hertz"                          "Hydraulic conductivity"        
#> [47] "Inversed concentration (molar)" "Inversed length"               
#> [49] "Inversed mol"                   "Inversed time"                 
#> [51] "Inversed volume"                "Joule"                         
#> [53] "Katal"                          "Kelvin"                        
#> [55] "Length"                         "Log Units"                     
#> [57] "Lumen"                          "Lux"                           
#> [59] "Mass"                           "Mass per area"                 
#> [61] "Mass per area per time"         "Mass per time"                 
#> [63] "Mass per tissue"                "Molecular weight"              
#> [65] "Newton"                         "Ohm"                           
#> [67] "Pressure"                       "Radian"                        
#> [69] "Resistance"                     "Resolution"                    
#> [71] "RT"                             "Second order rate constant"    
#> [73] "Siemens"                        "Sievert"                       
#> [75] "Slope"                          "Steradian"                     
#> [77] "Temperature"                    "Tesla"                         
#> [79] "Time"                           "Time²"                         
#> [81] "Velocity"                       "Viscosity"                     
#> [83] "Vmax per mass protein"          "Vmax per recombinant enzyme"   
#> [85] "Vmax per transporter"           "Vmax per weight organ tissue"  
#> [87] "Volt"                           "Volume"                        
#> [89] "Volume per body weight"         "Watt"                          
#> [91] "Weber"