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The rSharp package is a low-level interoperability bridge between R and the .NET runtime. It offers access to .NET libraries from R, allowing to create .NET objects, access their fields, and call their methods.

rSharp uses R’s native interface to C++ which then calls the .NET runtime. To make working with .NET objects intuitive, rSharp utilizes the R6 object-oriented approach. This article will guide you through the basic usage of the package, starting from loading an assembly to calling methods and accessing fields.

Data type conversion

Basic data types

rSharp allows to call public and static methods implemented in .NET assemblies and to pass data to these methods. In return, calls will often result in some data being returned.

Where there is an obvious and natural conversion between R and .NET data types, R values can be easily passed as is, and the return value can be interpreted as a native R type. Most of the basic modes in R (character,numeric,integer, logical, and their vectors) have equivalents in .NET.

Object pointers and the NetObject class

It is common that .NET method returns another object that can not be directly converted to a native R type. In such cases, the method returns an external pointer to the .NET object. The NetObject class is used to represent such pointers in R. The NetObject class is an R6 object that wraps the external pointer and provides methods to interact with the .NET object with semantics familiar for the object-oriented programming. In most cases, the user would prefer to interact with these objects through the NetObject. If, for any reason, the user needs to access the raw pointer, it can be done by accessing the field $pointer of the R6 object.

NetObject instances can be passed to .NET methods as arguments.

Loading an assembly

To start working with a .NET assembly, you need to load it into the R session. This is done using the rSharp::loadAssembly function. In this example, we will use the library rSharp.Examples.dll provided with this package.

assembly <- loadAssembly(system.file("extdata", "rSharp.Examples.dll", package = "rSharp"))

We can get the list of all loaded assemblies using the getLoadedAssemblies function:

#>  [1] "System.Private.CoreLib"                    
#>  [2] "ClrFacade"                                 
#>  [3] "System.Runtime"                            
#>  [4] "System.Runtime.InteropServices"            
#>  [5] "System.Console"                            
#>  [6] "System.Linq"                               
#>  [7] "System.Collections"                        
#>  [8] "RDotNet"                                   
#>  [9] "netstandard"                               
#> [10] "System.Linq.Expressions"                   
#> [11] "DynamicInterop"                            
#> [12] "Microsoft.Win32.Primitives"                
#> [13] "System.Diagnostics.Process"                
#> [14] "System.ComponentModel.Primitives"          
#> [15] "System.Threading"                          
#> [16] "System.IO.Pipes"                           
#> [17] "System.Net.Primitives"                     
#> [18] "System.Net.Sockets"                        
#> [19] "System.Threading.ThreadPool"               
#> [20] "System.Threading.Thread"                   
#> [21] "System.Collections.Concurrent"             
#> [22] "System.Diagnostics.Tracing"                
#> [23] "System.Memory"                             
#> [24] "System.Runtime.Numerics"                   
#> [25] "rSharp.Examples"                           
#> [26] "Microsoft.CSharp"                          
#> [27] "System.Reflection.Emit.ILGeneration"       
#> [28] "System.Reflection.Emit.Lightweight"        
#> [29] "System.Reflection.Primitives"              
#> [30] "Anonymously Hosted DynamicMethods Assembly"
# Check if a specific assembly is loaded
#> [1] TRUE

Working with static members

Static members of a .NET class can be accessed without creating an instance of the class.

The rSharp.Examples library implements a class SampleStaticClass with different static members. To get an overview of the available static members of a class, you can use the getStaticMembers function:

#> $Methods
#> [1] "Add"               "GetAString"        "GetInstanceObject"
#> $Fields
#> [1] "StaticString"
#> $Properties
#> character(0)

To explore the methods, fields, and properties of a class separately, you can use the getStaticMethods, getStaticFields, and getStaticProperties functions, respectively.

To call static methods of a .NET class, you can use the rSharp::callStatic function. If you are not sure which arguments are expected by a certain method, you can use the getStaticMemberSignature function to get the method’s signature:

# Get the signature of the GetAString method
getStaticMemberSignature("rSharp.Examples.SampleStaticClass", "GetAString")
#> [1] "Static, Method: String GetAString"
# Get the signature of the Add method
getStaticMemberSignature("rSharp.Examples.SampleStaticClass", "Add")
#> [1] "Static, Method: Int32 Add, Int32, Int32"

The method GetAString returns a string and does not have any arguments, so we can call it using the callStatic function:

rSharp::callStatic("rSharp.Examples.SampleStaticClass", "GetAString")
#> [1] "A string from static class"

If the method has arguments, they can be passed as additional arguments to the callStatic function, as in this case of calling the static function Add() that requires two integers as arguments:

rSharp::callStatic("rSharp.Examples.SampleStaticClass", "Add", as.integer(1), as.integer(2))
#> [1] 3

Mind that we had to explicitly cast the arguments to integer, as all numeric values in R are double by default.

We can also access static fields of a class using the getStatic and setStatic functions:

# Get the value of the static field
getStatic("rSharp.Examples.SampleStaticClass", "StaticString")
#> [1] "A string from static class"

This static string is returned by the method GetAString we called earlier. We can set the value of the static field and would expect it to be returned by the GetAString method:

# Set the value of the static field
setStatic("rSharp.Examples.SampleStaticClass", "StaticString", "New value")
# Get the value of the static field
getStatic("rSharp.Examples.SampleStaticClass", "StaticString")
#> [1] "New value"
# Call the GetAString method
callStatic("rSharp.Examples.SampleStaticClass", "GetAString")
#> [1] "New value"

Working with objects

So far, we were passing basic data types as arguments and receiving basic data types as return values. However, in many cases, we would need to work with .NET objects. For example, the method GetInstanceObject returns an instance of the SampleInstanceClass class. rSharp wraps such objects in the NetObject class:

# Call the SampleInstanceClass method
instance <- callStatic("rSharp.Examples.SampleStaticClass", "GetInstanceObject")

# Check the class of the returned object
#> [1] "NetObject" "R6"

# Get the type of the object
#> [1] "rSharp.Examples.SampleInstanceClass"

The R6 class NetObject holds the pointer to the .NET object and provides methods to interact with it. Thus, the constructor of NetObject requires an external pointer to a .NET object. The pointer can be created by calling the newPointerFromName function. Is the constructor of the .NET class requires arguments, they can be passed as additional arguments to the newPointerFromName function. We can examine the constructors of a class with the getConstructors function:

#> [1] "Constructor: .ctor"                              
#> [2] "Constructor: .ctor, Double"                      
#> [3] "Constructor: .ctor, Double, Double"              
#> [4] "Constructor: .ctor, Int32"                       
#> [5] "Constructor: .ctor, Int32, Int32"                
#> [6] "Constructor: .ctor, Int32, Int32, Double, Double"

The SampleInstanceClass has six different constructor signature. We can create a new pointer to an instance of the class by calling the constructor with two double arguments and create a NetObject using the pointer:

# Create a pointer to a .NET object
pointer <- newPointerFromName("rSharp.Examples.SampleInstanceClass", as.double(1), as.double(2))
# Wrap the pointer in a new NetObject
newInstance <- NetObject$new(pointer)

The more conventient way of creating a NetObject for a new object is by calling the newObjectFromName function:

# Create a new instance of the SampleInstanceClass
newInstance2 <- newObjectFromName("rSharp.Examples.SampleInstanceClass", as.integer(1))

As with static classes, we can examine the methods, fields, and properties of an object using the getMethods, getFields, and getProperties methods called on the object, respectively.

# Get the methods of the object
#> [1] "Equals"      "GetAString"  "GetHashCode" "GetType"     "ToString"
# Get the fields of the object
#> [1] "FieldDoubleOne"  "FieldDoubleTwo"  "FieldIntegerOne" "FieldIntegerTwo"
# Get the properties of the object
#> character(0)

A non-static class can also have static members, which can be listed using the getStatic... functions:

#> [1] "StaticString"

Setting and getting non-static fields and properties of an object is done using the set and get methods, respectively:

# Get the value of the static field:
#> [1] 1
# Change the value of the static field:
newInstance$set("FieldDoubleOne", 23)
# Get the value of the static field:
#> [1] 23

To get or set static fields, use the functions getStatic and setStatic.

Finally, we can call the methods of the object using the call method:

# Call the Add method
#> [1] "A string from instance class"